Parenting Neurodiverse Children Online Mini Course

This course offers a deep dive into understanding the unique world of neurodiversity and provides practical strategies for nurturing your child's development.

What you'll get:

  • Expert Guidance: Led by Frances Fishman, a seasoned expert in child behavior and neurodiversity, this course offers professional insights and empathetic support, ensuring you're learning from the best.
  • Comprehensive Topics: Covering a range of topics including Sensory Processing, Language Development, Executive Function, Stimming, and more.
  • Practical Strategies: This course provides actionable strategies that you can apply in your day-to-day life.
  • Interactive Learning: Engage with quizzes and interactive lessons designed to reinforce your learning and help you apply the concepts in real-world scenarios.
  • Downloadable Resources: Gain access to a wealth of resources including visual aids, strategy guides, and templates, which you can use to support your child’s growth and learning.
  • Flexible Learning: Access the course at your own pace, from any device, allowing you to learn when it's most convenient for you.
  • Lifetime Access: Once you purchase the course, it’s yours forever. Revisit the content anytime you need a refresher or as your child grows and their needs evolve.

Also, you'll receive a certificate upon completing the course! 

What People Are Saying:

All the parents gained a lot of parenting tips and tools to apply to everyday situations.

Rivkah D.

$19.99 USD

Explore the reasons behind your child's emotional outbursts and learn strategies to prevent future temper tantrums.