Blog & Resources

The Power of Play in ABA Therapy: Transforming Learning for Young Children aba therapy for children engaging young learners using play for child learning Jan 11, 2024

Why is play an integral part of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy, particularly for young children?

Frances Fishman, a seasoned expert in developmental psychology, unravels the profound impact of play in facilitating learning and development.

Let's delve into her insights and understand how...

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10 Tips for Parents of Autistic Children Over 8 Years Old Dec 19, 2023


Parenting an autistic child over 8 years old comes with unique challenges and joys. As they grow, their needs evolve, and so must your approach. This blog provides 10 practical tips to help you support your child during these pivotal years.

1. Embrace Their Individuality


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Understanding Neurodiversity | A Beginner's Guide for Parents and Educators Dec 19, 2023


Welcome to the fascinating and diverse world of neurodiversity. As parents and educators, understanding neurodiversity is not just a learning curve; it’s a journey into the heart of individual differences. In this beginner's guide, we will explore what neurodiversity means and...

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How to Navigate Your Child Emotions With These 2 Free Tools Oct 18, 2023


Empathy is at the heart of parenting and education. To help navigate a child's emotional world, we introduce two tools: the "Child’s Color Wheel of Emotions" and "Child's Wheel of Emotions, Part 2: What to Try When Upset."

For a deeper understanding of meltdowns, explore the...

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Taming Tantrums: Quick Strategies for Parents of Neurodivergent and Autistic Children Oct 18, 2023

All kids, including those who are autistic or neurodivergent, sometimes have tantrums. It's a part of growing up. But, there are ways we can help them and ourselves during these tough times.

Why Do Kids Have Tantrums?

Kids have strong feelings. When these feelings get too big, they might cry,...

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Helping Kids Understand Their Feelings: A Step to a Happier Adulthood Oct 18, 2023

We teach our kids many things – tying shoes, riding bikes, and even math problems. But there's one thing we sometimes miss: helping them understand their feelings.

This is extra important for kids who experience the world differently, like those who are autistic or neurodivergent.


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Understanding the Importance of Self-Care and Mindfulness for Parents of Neurodivergent and Autistic Children Oct 18, 2023

As parents, it can be challenging to balance the demands of caring for a child who is neurodivergent or autistic and taking care of ourselves. However, self-care and mindfulness are essential for parents of neurodivergent and autistic children to maintain their own well-being and support their...

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Top 5 Benefits of Early Intervention for Neurodivergent and Autistic Children Sep 07, 2023

As parents, we want what is best for our children. As a parent or caregiver of a neurodivergent or autistic child, you may have questions such as, "Can my child succeed in school?" "How can I help my child with sensory processing issues?" "Can my child lead a 'normal' life?"

The good news is that...

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