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A compassionate parent comforting their distressed child, exemplifying understanding and patience during a tantrum.

Taming Tantrums: Quick Strategies for Parents of Neurodivergent and Autistic Children

Oct 18, 2023

All kids, including those who are autistic or neurodivergent, sometimes have tantrums. It's a part of growing up. But, there are ways we can help them and ourselves during these tough times.

Why Do Kids Have Tantrums?

Kids have strong feelings. When these feelings get too big, they might cry, shout, or throw things. Some kids, especially if they are neurodivergent or autistic, might find things harder to handle, leading to more tantrums.

Why Knowing Feelings Matter

In our last blog, we talked about helping kids know their feelings. This is super important! When kids know what they're feeling, it's easier for them and us to find out why they're upset.

5 Quick & Easy Tips to Deal with Tantrums:

  1. Spot the Signs:
    Before a big meltdown, there might be signs. Maybe they're hungry or tired. If we catch these signs early, we can stop a tantrum before it starts.

  2. Stay Cool:
    When kids see us calm, it helps them calm down too.

  3. Talk to Them:
    Sometimes, kids just want to tell us what's wrong. Ask them questions and listen.

  4. Validate Their Feelings:
    Tell them, "I get why you're upset."

  5. Use the Feelings Wheel:
    Remember the "Child's Wheel of Emotions" from our last blog? It can help kids say how they feel.

Tantrums, while challenging, are a part of growth. They're opportunities for teaching and understanding. With patience, tools, and love, managing these moments becomes a journey of connection and resilience.

Looking for more information and strategies for your child's tantrums?
Equip yourself further! Learn from Frances Fishman, an esteemed expert in the field with our course, "Tantrum Toolkit: a Guide for Children Meltdowns."

Click HERE to learn more about "Tantrum Toolkit: a Guide for Children Meltdowns."

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