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10 Tips for Parents of Autistic Children Over 8 Years Old

Dec 19, 2023


Parenting an autistic child over 8 years old comes with unique challenges and joys. As they grow, their needs evolve, and so must your approach. This blog provides 10 practical tips to help you support your child during these pivotal years.

1. Embrace Their Individuality

Every autistic child is unique. Appreciate and celebrate their individual quirks and preferences. This reinforces their self-esteem and sense of identity. Remember, different doesn't mean less; it means distinct and extraordinary.

2. Foster Independence

Encouraging independence isn't just about them doing things on their own; it's about empowering them to believe in their abilities. Start with small, manageable tasks and gradually build up as they gain confidence.

3. Prioritize Communication

Continue to develop communication skills. Whether your child is verbal or non-verbal, explore various communication tools and strategies to enhance understanding. Be patient, be open to non-verbal cues, and celebrate every effort they make to express themselves.

4. Nurture Social Skills

Social skills are like a dance – it takes practice and patience. Gently guide your child in understanding social cues and norms, but also teach them that it's okay to have their own rhythm in social settings.

5. Maintain Structure and Routine

Consistent routines provide a sense of security. Maintain a structured environment while gradually introducing small changes to help them adapt to new situations.

6. Support Sensory Needs

Sensitive to the world's symphony, your child may experience sensory inputs more intensely. Create a calming, sensory-friendly space at home and have strategies for when you're out in louder, busier environments.

7. Promote Inclusive Education

Work closely with educators to ensure your child's learning environment is supportive and inclusive. Advocate for necessary accommodations and resources.

8. Explore Interests and Talents

Encourage their passions and hobbies. Whether it's art, music, or a particular subject, these interests are gateways to joy and self-discovery.

9. Prepare for Adolescence

As your child approaches adolescence, start conversations about physical changes, emotions, and personal safety. Use clear, straightforward language.

10. Seek Support When Needed

You're not alone on this path. Seek out professional guidance, join parent support groups, and lean on your community.


Parenting an older autistic child is a journey of love, patience, and understanding. These tips, inspired by the compassionate approach of Frances Fishman, are designed to guide you in supporting your child’s unique path. Remember, every step you take is a step towards a world that embraces and celebrates neurodiversity.

Your Next Steps

If you're seeking to deepen your understanding and skills in supporting your autistic child, consider enrolling in our "Parenting Neurodiverse Children" online course.

Expertly crafted by Frances Fishman, this course offers a wealth of knowledge and practical strategies tailored specifically for parents of neurodiverse children.

By joining the course, you'll gain:

  • Comprehensive insights into the nuances of neurodiversity.
  • Effective parenting strategies that align with your child’s needs.
  • The opportunity to learn at your own pace in a nurturing online environment.

Enroll in "Parenting Neurodiverse Children" today and empower yourself with the tools and knowledge to help your child thrive. 

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