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Child expressing emotions with colorful background symbolizing the emotional spectrum.

Helping Kids Understand Their Feelings: A Step to a Happier Adulthood

Oct 18, 2023

We teach our kids many things – tying shoes, riding bikes, and even math problems. But there's one thing we sometimes miss: helping them understand their feelings.

This is extra important for kids who experience the world differently, like those who are autistic or neurodivergent.

1. Feelings Are Important

Feelings aren't just about being happy or sad. They're deep reactions from our brains that change our thoughts and actions. Some kids might feel things more deeply or in a unique way. Knowing what they're feeling is the first step to handle it.

However, this is easier said than done. Sometimes it's really difficult to know what your child is feeling and why.

That's why we've included a free downloadable gift at the end of this article.

But don't scroll down just yet, keep reading to equip yourself best on this topic!

2. Why Kids Need to Understand Their Feelings

  • Knowing Themselves: When kids understand their emotions, they feel more confident about themselves and the world around them.

  • Talking About Feelings: If kids can say how they feel, they'll have fewer misunderstandings or fights.

  • Handling Emotions Better: When kids know they're feeling angry or sad, they can find ways to calm down.

3. Kids Today, Grown-Ups Tomorrow

Kids who understand their feelings grow up to be adults who:

  • Care About Others: They'll understand when someone else is sad or happy too.
  • Stay Calm: They can deal with tough times better.
  • Have Good Friendships: Because they know how to talk about their feelings.

4. Guiding Autistic and Neurodivergent Children

Some kids might find it hard to say how they feel. Here's how you can help:

  • Pictures of Feelings: Use things like the 'Child's Wheel of Emotions' to show them what different feelings look like. Providing visuals can be a total game-changer.

  • Chat About It: Ask your child how their day was and how it made them feel.

  • Stay Steady: Keeping things the same at home can help kids know what to expect, which helps them understand their feelings.

5. Wrapping Up

Every child, regardless of where they fall on the neurological spectrum, benefits immensely from understanding their emotions. As parents, it's our job to help. And remember, it's about giving them tools, not changing who they are.

Feelings matter. Let's make sure our kids grow up knowing that.

Let's empower our children to grow into adults who not only recognize their emotions but embrace them. Emotions are, after all, the heartbeats of our shared human experience.

We've created a visual aid for you and your child to use. It offers a colorful, engaging way for kids to identify and convey their feelings, bridging the verbal gap they might face.

Click HERE to open the "Child's Wheel of Emotions."

Frances Fishman is the founder and owner of The Play Base. Drawing from her vast experience with children of all behavioral and skill levels, she emphasizes the importance of emotion recognition as a cornerstone of child development.

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