Supporting parents and educators of neurodivergent and autistic children.

Start Your Virtual Journey

Available "Mini" Courses

Overview of ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) Therapy

Learn a more compassionate
approach to standard ABA
and how to apply it.

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Tantrum Toolkit: Strategies for Meltdowns

Explore reasons behind your child's tantrums and learn how to prevent them.

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Parenting Neurodiverse (Autistic or ASD) Children

Perfect for parents of children with conditions that impact learning and behavior.

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A Place for Every Parent.

Each neurodivergent child deserves a future filled with boundless possibilities.

That future begins at home, with you—the parent.

Within these virtual walls, you'll discover a wealth of resources from Frances Fishman and The Play Base team, tailored to assist adults in nurturing children confronting behavioral and developmental challenges. Our mission is to empower you and your child, irrespective of age, background, or available resources. The Knowledge Base serves as both a beacon of hope and a haven of wisdom, open to all families with neurodivergent children, regardless of their circumstances.

Explore groundbreaking strategies designed to unlock your child's full potential and forge deep, meaningful connections.

Expert Guidance

Under the expert leadership of Frances Fishman, we ensure you have access to the most powerful strategies and invaluable insights.

All Inclusive

Our courses are thoughtfully designed for parents and educators of every background, age, and skill level.

Flexible Learning

Short on time? Study on-the-go or from the comfort of your home, all at your own pace. All you require is a device and an internet connection to access your learning.

Meet Frances Fishman


Frances is a dedicated advocate for neurodivergent and autistic children. As the visionary founder of The Play Base, she brings a wealth of experience and expertise in behavioral and developmental therapy.

Her innovative and compassionate approach has transformed the lives of countless children and their families. Join Frances on a journey to unlock the boundless potential within every child.


Don't have a know where to start?  

We suggest starting here.  

Parenting Neurodiverse Children
Melanie M.

"Everything [Frances] says is very valuable."

Bridgette R.

"Frances and her team are extremely passionate, devoted and caring individuals."

Michael M.

"It was all perfect. I help my sister with son and we have been doing it all wrong."

Alicea T.

"It was perfect introduction to what lies ahead."

Sherry M.

"Our son graduated from college with honors and lives independently."

Daniel A.

"[Frances] is one of the most caring and knowledgeable people in this space."